A Catholic Young Adult Mission

Time is TBD
|Location is TBD
Adoremus is a time of young adult contemplative prayer. Quiet your heart for a little while to make His voice bigger.
Time & Location
Time is TBD
Location is TBD
About The Event
Do you need a break?
How about some quiet soul-searching?
Or maybe uninterrupted time with Jesus in Adoration?
The ITE Project announces Adoremus-- a night of contemplative young adult prayer.
Adoremus begins with Exposition. Often the attending priest offers a short reflection and then is available for Confessions for the duration of the event. Prayer teams from Peter's Shadow will also be available. The evening ends with Benediction and Compline (Night Prayer.)
You are welcome for any part of the evening. Please come and go as your schedule requires. We will update this listing when we have confirmed the parish and the priest attending.
Steal away to the quiet for a little while. Jesus is waiting for you.
Join us!