A Catholic Young Adult Mission

Day 6:
Joy in Waiting
Reflection from Fr. Matt Jordan
Reflection by Michael
Fr. Matt Jordan said, “We are really in a Holy Saturday moment.”
This is very much a moment of silence and of pause in our life and in our faith. We are in a moment of waiting, a moment of darkness that envelops us as it did the people in Jerusalem almost 2000 years ago after Our Lord died on a cross and was buried in the tomb. This moment of darkness is very much reflected in our world right now with many people having died, many who are sick, and many who are mourning losses. The world is cloaked in darkness, despair and hopelessness.
In this way we are like sailors on the sea, far from home and those we love, tossed about by a stormy sea. It was with this in mind that the Church developed the tradition of Stella Maris, Our Lady, Star of the Sea.
A way to acknowledge the way that Mary is the guiding light that leads us to her son. She has become a patroness to many, through this title, who seek her guidance as they journey through life and over the seas. Today we reflect on Mary and the dark times she went through in life, the fear of being a single mother, losing her son for 3 days and nights, and then watching her only son be tortured and murdered by the Romans. We recognize the waiting that Mary had to endure and the pain and darkness she must have felt.
But through it all, Mary was still leading others to her son, as the North Star guides sailors to their homes. Today, we reflect on Joy in Waiting, the waiting for Easter. Perhaps waiting for sacraments, celebrations, family, friends, and activities that are not available to us currently. On this day, when the church remembers that darkness when Our Lord Jesus was in the grave, let us look to Mary, the Star of the Sea, for her Joyful light. For we are an Easter People! We know that Jesus did not remain in the grave. We know the next chapter of the story! Jesus Christ will rise as he promised the Apostles he would do. THIS is the reason for our Joy! Because we do not believe in a God who is dead but who was raised from the dead! So let us be joyful as we await the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ this Easter season!
Think-About Questions
A few questions to ponder in your mind, in your prayer or in your journal.
What is Holy Saturday for you? Do you keep it silent? What can you do this year to make this day more holy?
Pray the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary and reflect on how Mary our Mother guides and leads us to her son.
St. Bernard of Clairvaux wrote: "If the winds of temptation arise; If you are driven upon the rocks of tribulation look to the star, call on Mary; If you are tossed upon the waves of pride, of ambition, of envy, of rivalry, look to the star, call on Mary. Should anger, or avarice, or fleshly desire violently assail the frail vessel of your soul, look at the star, call upon Mary.” Reflect on this quote for a few minutes. In what ways do you find yourself lost at sea? Do you trust Mary to hold onto you and care for you in life’s storms? What are some ways you can deepen your relationship with Our Mother?
A Song for your Soul
It Is Well With My Soul
A Friend to Walk With
Mary, Star of the Sea
Closing Prayer
Dear Jesus,
Thank you for the gift of your most Holy Mother.
May she be a light to guide us through our struggles, trials, and weaknesses in our lives. Help us to allow her joy to permeate us so we may, with her, await your Resurrection. May her light shine through us so that others may see it and be led to You through our witness.
We ask this and all things through your most Holy Name, Jesus.
Our Lady, Star of the Sea, pray for us!